Download your copy of the DivHERsity Benchmarking Reports powered by HerKey and explore comprehensive insights on how Corporate India is enhancing
gender diversity and fostering inclusive workplaces. Diversity & Inclusion is much more than what we do —
it’s who we are. Access reports from various years here.
DivHERsity Benchmarking Report 2023 - 2024
"A Cross-Industry Analysis of Diversity & Inclusion Best Practices."
DivHERsity Benchmarking Report 2022 - 2023
"A comprehensive analysis of diversity & inclusion best policies and practices in the workplace."
Benchmarking Report 2021-2022
"Tackling the Two W's and One H - How to Bring in More Women in the Workplace - A journey from the year of uncertainty to the year of recovery!"
Women-Specific L&D + Leadership - Best Practices 2021
"Best Practices: Women-Specific L&D + Leadership Development: A Roadmap to Business Success."
Women Returnee Program - Best Practices 2021
" Decoding Women Returnee Programs with JobsForHer. A guide to the most innovative practices for company-specific initiatives."
Benchmarking Report - 2021
"The report shows the negative impact that COVID-19 has had on the employment rates of women in India and what companies are doing about it."
Benchmarking Report - 2020
" The Report is based on data collected from over 300 companies across India covering a number of parameters on how they are improving gender diversity in the workplace."
Benchmarking Report - 2019
"The Report shows that a gender gap exists at all levels of the pipeline for women and widens as they move towards senior management/CEO levels."
Case studies throw light on how HerKey (formerly JobsForHer) is helping clients
overcome their business challenges and achieve their diversity goals,
across all industries. Learn more here.
Case Studies
Case Studies
Case Studies
Case Studies
Case Studies
Read how HerKey (formerly JobsForHer), with other big corporates, is paving the way for women professionals and enabling them to accelerate their careers. Learn more about our successful events
and everything going on in the working world, through our blogs.
India’s BIGGEST B2B conference for companies committed to increasing female participation in the I
Super September for Airbus, Google, Myntra, Atkins, GSK as they partnered with JobsForher.
It was a busy month at JobsForHer with a series of successful online events for our partners. Accent
A lot happened in May at JobsForHer with a slew of online events. Many leading companies conducted o
What can employers do now to prevent a setback in achieving gender parity in the workplace?
How JobsForHer is helping companies like Nike, Cisco, Citrix, HPE, Scikidz and more in building a ge
An online networking event for companies powered by JobsForHer. Connect with your tribe of women pro
Representatives from Mastercard, Beam Suntory, CGI and HGS joined us at AccelHERate 2021 to discuss
Roundtable with Top5 DivHERsity Champions (LARGE ENTERPRISES, SMES/STARTUPS) at AccelHerate 2021.
Find the most recent news, features, and official statements about HerKey and its initiatives in various online and offline media in India and internationally.
What "Hired & Happy" Companies Say
❝"JobsForHer has played a pivotal role in the mission. Looking forward to bigger impacts in the near future #flyagain "
- Praveen Voona
Head of Recruitment and Employer Marketing, India
❝“Thank you Neha Bagaria for joining us. Really appreciate the partnership and support from JobsForHer”
- Ravikanth
TA Lead, Cargill
❝“Thanks to you and your team for all the efforts and support”
- Preeti Duggaraju
Johnson and Johnson
❝“It was a pleasure working with the JobsForHer team to launch our ReWrite program for women returnees.”
- Jaya Virwani
Diversity and Inclusiveness Head at EY Global Delivery Services
What "Hired & Happy" Companies Say
❝"JobsForHer has played a pivotal role in the mission. Looking forward to bigger impacts in the near future #flyagain "
- Praveen Voona
Head of Recruitment and Employer Marketing, India
❝“Thank you Neha Bagaria for joining us. Really appreciate the partnership and support from JobsForHer”
- Ravikanth
TA Lead, Cargill
❝“Thanks to you and your team for all the efforts and support”
- Preeti Duggaraju
Johnson and Johnson
❝“It was a pleasure working with the JobsForHer team to launch our ReWrite program for women returnees.”
- Jaya Virwani
Diversity and Inclusiveness Head at EY Global Delivery Services
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